Wisma Sehati

Work from Home

Thu, 02 April 2020

Work from Home

Work from Home: Be More Efficient and Productive


Being efficient working from home can be a challenge. There are tons of distraction, less accountability, and less communication than working in the office. The, how to keep it productively?

Work Hours
Keep yourself to regular work hours to ensuring productivity while working from home. Setting yourself consistent hours keeps you accountable to yourself and your team.

Workflow Plan
Set up your priority before you start. Don’t forget to plan how long you think it will take you to get everything done and what you will work on if you have extra time.
Make sure you also plan how you will spend your breaks ahead of time. Just make sure you decide how long you will spend on a break, so you don’t get too distracted.

Dress Code
Even if you won’t be interacting with another person all day, it is important to dress to boosting up your mood. This will tell your brain that it’s work time, not relaxation time, and that will give you a lot more energy.

Try to find a dedicated and comfortable spot to work that you can associate with your job and leave when you’re off the clock. It might be tempting to work from your couch or even your bed, but this could take a huge toll on your productivity.
Set up yourself up with a comfy, supportive chair, a spacious desk, and consistent workplace tools. Make sure to personalize your space.

If need some advice for your home working space, our team will gladly to assist you.