Wisma Sehati

Stay Home

Mon, 06 April 2020

Stay Home


Keep Busy and Healthy during Quarantine


Staying home for long periods of time can be frustrating and emotional challenges. Since many schools and university closed, cancel events, and most of the people working remotely, staying in due to the COVID-19 outbreak has become a reality for many.

But, don’t worry. To keep you busy, and anxiety-free of course during quarantine, check tips on how to make the most out of your staying home time below.


Indulge in self-care rituals

Forget about self-care day! Now it’s officially self-care season, and you don’t have to wait until Sunday to treat yourself. This is the perfect time to do those little things that make you feel good. You can either drink a warm cup of tea, try that new face mask you’ve been wanting to, light up some scented candles or take a bubble bath. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and anxious, get out of social media for a while and try to breathe or meditate. You can even try to do a yoga workout in your living room! Oh, and we know that a lot of you are working from home, so make your new workspace comfy, so you can be organized and productive.


Take care of your loved ones and those who need it

It’s a fact known that the elderly and people who have chronic medical conditions are more vulnerable. So, if you’re not sick, don’t forget to look out for those who might need you. If you’re still leaving the house, maybe you can go grocery shopping for your neighbors and make sure they’re ok. But if you can’t get out of your house, you can FaceTime with your grandparents and check if they’re doing alright. Those small gestures can really make a difference!


Organize your pictures collection

Since we’re talking about travel pictures, here’s an idea: how about organizing yours? And we bet you have thousands of photos on your phone that you have to organize….right? So now it’s time to put them on an external drive– or maybe finally figuring out how the iCloud works! You can even check some DIY videos to learn creative ways to display your vacation pictures. The options are infinite: you can make a travel journal, an album or a hanger for your bedroom. The sky is the limit!


Organize your life

Now that you have your pictures organized, it’s time to do the same with your life! First: why not declutter your bedroom to make it comfy and clean for the next days? Also, why not take some time to organize your personal finances and set a budget for the rest of the year? You can also update your Linkedin profile, plan your weekly tasks and take online courses. After all, knowledge is never too much!  


Learn and try new healthy recipes

Since you’re probably not going to the grocery stores that often, check the fridge to see which items you have, google the ingredients and find out what you can cook with them. It’s time to get creative! For foodies and travelers: we know you won’t be able to go to your favorite regional restaurant, but you can still try to cook the dishes yourself! There are many Youtube cooking videos that will help you achieve your culinary goals. Ps: don’t forget to eat your fruits and veggies! 


Practice your language skills

If you’re binge-watching your favorite tv shows on Netflix, why not switch it to that language you’ve been wanting to learn? This is a great way to practice. Plus: it’s fun! You can also download apps such as Babbel and Duolingo, or put some effort into reading a book in a different language.


Shop from Home

Cover your needs without having to come to the showroom by Shop from Home. However, if you have to visit our showroom, you can make an appointment with our representative to see the products. Easy peasy, just click the button below!